The Cherokees Floor Show was a brilliant cabaret by Geoff (and Carol?) Winship.
Lots of humour along with the knife throwing.
Geoff's current website mentions the Cherokees cabaret:
Although the growing demands of Medieval Jousting Tourneys and Wild West Shows have obliged the Winship's to put the cabaret 'under wraps' together with full War Bonnet and fighting regalia, the knife throwing and fire-eating CHEROKEES will be affectionately remembered by many a wild-eyed child and grown-up for years to come.

Note: Contact details on the above brochure are not current and the Cherokees are no longer operating.
Geoff using Peter Sharp for practice backstage! Note the knife caught in flight in the bottom right of photo. |
Eyes closed - Hands on assets! Well you would wouldn't you. |